2011 Events

Nov 27, Dec 4, 11 Early Winter Swiss
Nov 20 Unrated G/29 Swiss
Oct 23, 30, Nov 6, 13 Fall Swiss
Oct 16 USCF-Quick-Rated G/5 Blitz
Sept 18, 25, Oct 2, 9 End the Heatwave Swiss 30/90, SD/25, 30 sec. increment per move.
Sept 11 Unrated G/15 Tournament. G/15 with 3 sec. delay per move.
Aug. 14, 21, 28 Southwest Open Warmup. 30/90, SD/25, 30 sec. inc. per move.
Aug. 7 Unrated Blitz (G/5). G/5 with 2 sec. delay per move.
July 10, 17, 24, 31 2011 Summer Swiss. 30/90, SD/25. 30 sec. inc. per move.
June 26 USCF-Quick-Rated G/15 Swiss. G/15 with 3 sec. delay per move.
June 19 Unrated Blitz (G/5). G/5 with 2 sec. delay per move.
June 12 USCF-Quick-Rated G/29 Quads. G/15 with 3 sec. delay per move.
June 5 Unrated Fischer-Random G/15 Swiss. G/15 with 3 sec. delay per move.
May 1 ACC Spring Quads. 30/90, SD/25 with 30 sec. inc. per move.
May 1 USCF-Quick-Rated G/15. G/15 with 3 sec. delay per move.
Apr. 3, 10, 17, 24 Something New Swiss. 30 moves in 90 minutes, SD/25, 30 sec. inc. per move.
Mar. 27 Unrated G/15 Fischer Random. G/15 with 3 sec. delay per move.
Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13, 20 Early Spring Swiss. USCF-rated, 4 rounds, G/90 w/60 sec. inc. per move.
Feb. 20 Austin - San Antonio Shootout! 20 board match, one game each color.
Feb. 13 ACC USCF-Quick-rated G/15. USCF-Quick-rated, 6 rounds, G/15 3s delay/move.
Jan. 16, 23, 30, Feb. 6 First Club Swiss. USCF-rated, 4 rounds, G/90 w/60 sec. inc. per move.
Jan. 7-9 1st Annual Austin Chess Club Championship 5 rounds, G/90 with 60 sec. inc. per move.